Save, remove or delete projects

Secure projects

Remove projects

Delete projects

Projects can not only be inactivated, i.e. shut down, but also completely removed from the system. The details are given below.


Secure projects

The administrator allows you to copy the complete data set of a project to any location. This function is especially intended for users of the lexiCan Cloud who do not have access to data directories of the server. So you can load/save your projects on your own data medium. Start the administrator, select the relevant project and click on ‘Download’, e.g.



The dialog box will then show you all your local drives and external storage devices. Select the appropriate one and confirm with ‘OK’. If desired, you can also create a new file folder by clicking on ‘Make New Folder’, e.g.



Afterwards the complete data set of the project is saved uncompressed to the appropriate place. This may take some time, depending on the size of the project.


Remove projects

You can deactivate a (currently) unused project and thus withdraw it from the users' access. However, you can also remove it without deleting it. Start the Administrator, select the relevant project and click on ‘Remove’, e.g.



The project will then be removed from the list in the left navigation. The data set of the project will be kept. The project can be added again at any time.


Delete projects

You can delete a project and all its data completely. This function is especially intended for users of the lexiCan Cloud who do not have access to data directories of the server. Start the Administrator, select the relevant project, click on ‘Delete’ and then confirm in the dialog box with ‘Yes’.